- What is NA to you? To me, New Adult books are typically stories where the protagonist is in his or her late-teens to mid-twenties. The ages aren’t exactly set in stone, but it represents that time in life when we all begin to really take charge of our own lives and experience the excitement, joy, and scariness of making big life decisions for the first time. It’s that first apartment, first ‘real’ job, first ‘adult’ relationship.
- New Adult: Genre or Category? New Adult is more of a category. Any genre can fit into the NA category: paranormal, sci-fi, horror, whatever. As long as the characters are at the right life stage, any genre can work.
- What made you want to write for NA? I didn't set out to write NA – in fact, the NA label didn't even exist then. I wrote a story with a protagonist starting college. I loved that age and time in life but more importantly, it's what worked for the story. I queried the book and was told no one wanted to read about characters that age and they'd reconsider if I changed her to either YA or Adult. The change didn't make sense at all for the story – that book or the rest of the series. That's when I decided to self-publish, back when it was a huge career risk. I'm glad I did! I love my stories and I really love writing NA.
- What do you see for the future of NA? Now that NA has really come into its own, I see it continuing to grow and really become parallel to what YA is for teenage protagonists.
- What do you love most about writing NA? I love being able to get back inside the heads of eighteen to twenty-somethings. It's one of the best times in life! There’s so much power and excitement when you're making adult decisions—and dealing with the consequences—without being bogged down with all of the big adult worries like mortgages, career changes, kids' futures, retirement, etc. And it's one of life's phases where the most change happens, which is really what a story is about – the decisions, consequences, and changes a character makes.
- What NA books would you recommend to readers? Well, to get a taste of my work, along with that of four other amazing NA authors, I’d recommend that readers check out Curses, Fates & Soul Mates, a box set featuring five full-length NA paranormal novels for 99 cents!
- What writing tips would you give to aspiring writers? Never give up on yourself—all of us start out writing crap and continue to do so no matter how many books we have out. It takes revisions and solid editing to make a great book. Keep writing. Keep editing. Keep doing what it takes to reach your goals. Failure only comes when you quit. But most of all, have fun! Live your purpose and your passion.
- Would you like to share something about your book? I’m currently working on The Space Beyond, Part 2 in The Book of Phoenix series. Part 1, The Space Between, is available as a stand-alone book or as a part of the Curses, Fates & Soul Mates box set I mentioned earlier. The series is NA Paranormal Romance—but it’s unlike anything you’ve ever read before. The twist really surprises readers when they find out what makes the characters special. I can’t wait until everyone can read Part 2.
- What gave you the idea for your book? Well, it all started with a dream that my husband had. Once he me about it, I couldn't stop thinking of the place, the people who would be involved, etc. My mind wandered and before long, a story was born.
- Where can readers find your books? My books are available on Amazon, iBooks, Nook, and Kobo, and can also be requested at brick and mortar bookstores.
Monday, March 31, 2014
New Adult Month Interview and Giveaway: Kristie Cook
Friday, March 28, 2014
New Adult Month Interview: Brenda St. John Brown
1. What is NA to you?
To me, New Adult is a category of books that focus on the stage of life post high school. It may be college or work, but it’s all about “firsts” and independence, and the ups and downs that come with that.
2. New Adult: Genre or Category?
I think New Adult is a category because, even though it’s started off as primarily contemporary romance, it’s starting to expand into other genres.
3. What made you want to write for NA?
My first (now shelved) book was NA before NA was even a thing. I queried it and my response from agents was focused more on the fact that the characters were in college than the story, itself. They all said there wasn’t really a market for that age group. I shifted to write YA, but my heart was definitely with older characters. SWIMMING TO TOKYO was originally written as upper YA, but Spencer Hill Contemporary suggested I “age it up” to NA and I jumped at the chance.
4. What do you see for the future of NA?
Slowly, other genres are embracing NA, which I love. I’m all about contemporary romance, but I love to read across genres and am excited to read some upcoming NA outside of contemporary.
5. What do you love most about writing NA?
I love writing about the “firsts” and the “bad” decisions that are inevitable in your early 20s. It’s fun and poignant and sometimes absolutely cringe-worthy. But it’s also really honest and I love that.
6. What NA books would you recommend to readers?
I really loved Chanel Cleeton’s I SEE LONDON. Cora Carmack’s trilogy is practically an NA must-read. Stina Lindenblatt’s TELL ME WHEN is a hot NA that deals with stalking, so it’s a bit of a darker read. And I’ve always been a fan of anything written by Tammara Webber.
7. What writing tips would you give to aspiring writers?
Ass in chair. Fast draft to build word count and edit later. Find good critique partners and beta readers who aren’t your real-life friends to give honest feedback and take at least 50% of it.
8. Would you like to share something about your book?
SWIMMING TO TOKYO comes out from Spencer Hill Contemporary on July 29, 2014 (Eeep!!) and it’s an NA contemporary romance set in – you guessed it – Tokyo. I’ll be launching the cover and official blurb soon-ish, but I’m so so so excited to see this out in the world!
9. What gave you the idea for your book?
I taught English in Tokyo for a couple of years and, although I didn’t start out writing a book set in Tokyo, it quickly evolved once I got into my characters’ stories. Writing was definitely a way to “revisit” Tokyo and I had a lot of fun with that. Zosia, the main character, is half-Polish and that was her name from the very start. I’m Polish on both my mother and father’s side and Babci (the Polish word for grandmother) is based loosely on my own grandmother, who was far cooler than I’ll ever be.
10. Where can readers find your books?
SWIMMING TO TOKYO releases on July 29 and will be available at all of the usual places in e-book form first. For now, it’s on Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17695321-swimming-to-tokyo
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Cover Reveal and Giveaway: At Any Turn by Brenna Aubrey
At Any Turn by Brenna Aubrey
(Gaming the System #2)
Publication date: April 15th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
So You Want to Be a Hero?
Millionaire CEO Adam Drake overcame a tortured past to take control of his life and build his own gaming empire. The final piece falls into place with his newfound love for brilliant geek girl blogger, Mia Strong. Now Adam is at the top of his game.
Your Princess Is in Another Castle.
Until Mia suddenly breaks things off, leaving Adam in the dark. He senses she needs his help but that she's too stubborn or scared to ask. The more he tries to take control, the further she shies away. This is one problem he can’t solve by writing a check or a few clever lines of code.
He will have to dig deep and put himself at risk…or else risk losing her forever.
This New Adult contemporary romance is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content and adult situations.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19072751-at-any-turn
---- a Rafflecopter giveaway
Brenna Aubrey is an author of New Adult contemporary romance stories that center on geek culture. Her debut novel, At Any Price, released December, 2013.
She has always sought comfort in good books and the long, involved stories she weaves in her head. Brenna is a city girl with a nature-lover’s heart. She therefore finds herself out in green open spaces any chance she can get. A mommy to two little kids and teacher to many more older kids, she juggles schedules to find time to pursue her love of storycrafting.
She currently resides on the west coast with her husband, two children, two adorable golden retriever pups, two birds and some fish.
Brenna’s short story “The Love Letter” was the Grand Prize winner of the Jane Austen Made Me Do It Short Story Contest. As such, it was included in the anthology of the same name (Ballantine, 2011)
Author links:
website: http://www.BrennaAubrey.net
Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/BrennaAubreyAuthor
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/BrennaAubrey
Pinterest: http://www.Pinterest.com/BrennaAubrey
Newsletter: http://www.BrennaAubrey.net/newsletter-signup
(Gaming the System #2)
Publication date: April 15th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
So You Want to Be a Hero?
Millionaire CEO Adam Drake overcame a tortured past to take control of his life and build his own gaming empire. The final piece falls into place with his newfound love for brilliant geek girl blogger, Mia Strong. Now Adam is at the top of his game.
Your Princess Is in Another Castle.
Until Mia suddenly breaks things off, leaving Adam in the dark. He senses she needs his help but that she's too stubborn or scared to ask. The more he tries to take control, the further she shies away. This is one problem he can’t solve by writing a check or a few clever lines of code.
He will have to dig deep and put himself at risk…or else risk losing her forever.
This New Adult contemporary romance is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content and adult situations.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19072751-at-any-turn
---- a Rafflecopter giveaway
Brenna Aubrey is an author of New Adult contemporary romance stories that center on geek culture. Her debut novel, At Any Price, released December, 2013.
She has always sought comfort in good books and the long, involved stories she weaves in her head. Brenna is a city girl with a nature-lover’s heart. She therefore finds herself out in green open spaces any chance she can get. A mommy to two little kids and teacher to many more older kids, she juggles schedules to find time to pursue her love of storycrafting.
She currently resides on the west coast with her husband, two children, two adorable golden retriever pups, two birds and some fish.
Brenna’s short story “The Love Letter” was the Grand Prize winner of the Jane Austen Made Me Do It Short Story Contest. As such, it was included in the anthology of the same name (Ballantine, 2011)
Author links:
website: http://www.BrennaAubrey.net
Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/BrennaAubreyAuthor
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/BrennaAubrey
Pinterest: http://www.Pinterest.com/BrennaAubrey
Newsletter: http://www.BrennaAubrey.net/newsletter-signup
Monday, March 24, 2014
If Only Release Day Blast
March may be almost over but that doesn’t mean the fun is
over at Embrace. We are excited to
be announcing the release of Amy Pine’s, If Only, which readers are already
raving about! Plus you can pick up If
Only on sale for just $.99 right now.
On Sale: March 24, 2014
About If Only:
Sometimes it takes crossing an ocean to figure out where you belong.It's been two years since twenty-year-old Jordan had a boyfriend—which means it's been forever since she, well, you know. But now she’s off to spend her junior year in Aberdeen, Scotland, the perfect place to stop waiting for Mr. Right and just enjoy Mr. Right Now.Sexy, sweet (and possible player) Griffin may be her perfect, no-strings-attached match. He’s fun, gorgeous, and makes her laugh. So why can’t she stop thinking about Noah who, minutes after being trapped together outside the train’s loo, kisses Jordan like she’s never been kissed before? Never mind his impossible blue eyes, his weathered, annotated copy of The Great Gatsby (total English-major porn)…oh, and his girlfriend.Jordan knows everything this year has an expiration date. Aberdeen is supposed to be about fun rather than waiting for life to happen. But E. M. Forster, Shakespeare, and mistletoe on Valentine’s Day make her reconsider what love is and how far she’s willing to go for the right guy.
Find If Only Online:
Find A.J. Online:
If Only Swag Pack -An “I love you from here to Scotland” print, Ahava pendent, A pack each of Much Ado about Nothing and A Room With a View confetti, Much Ado about Nothing travel mug and A Room With a View Blu-ray (a $25 Amazon gift card will be substituted if winner is outside the US)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, March 21, 2014
Review: Knowing Jack by Rachel Curtis
Author: Rachel Curtis
Publisher: Self-publish
Pages: 216 (ebook)
Source: Netgalley
Where to Buy: Barnes and Noble | Amazon
I am not a slut, although I've been called one often enough. Yeah, I spent three months screwing one of my college professors, but I was crazy about the guy. Then he broke up with me.
I am not a bitch, although people like to say I am. I kept our relationship secret. I'm not responsible for telling the university administrators about it, but a lot of students still blame me for getting their favorite professor fired.
I'm not a drama queen, although everyone thinks I am now. When I got a few nasty messages, I just deleted them. When I got the threat, I assumed it was someone being stupid. I still think that's all it was. My parents worry, though, so they hired me a bodyguard. Now Jack follows me around, intimidating everyone who approaches me and looking obnoxiously hot.
This is what I am. I'm Chloe. I'm a twenty-year-old art history major. Kind of shy, although I pretend not to be. Stubborn enough to stay here for my senior year, even though everyone hates me.
And I'm stuck with Jack.
He calls me "Princess," but I'm not a princess either.
What I Thought:
Okay, this was a fun story. I wasn't sure what to expect from the writing, since that summary rambled too long, but it was a lot better than I expected. It took me a little while to get into the story (sometime in chapter one I put the book down for about a week before picking it back up and devouring the rest).
The main character, Chloe annoyed me at times. She hates what she is going through at her school for sleeping with her professor (ranging from snide marks from one of her professors to a Tumblr account dedicated to ruining her life), but when given several opportunities to get out of her situation she doesn't take them. I'm not talking just transferring to a new school and losing credits like a normal person would have to do, I'm talking internship at the Louvre for enough credits to graduate. This was kind of okay with me though, because I wasn't the only one who though she was an idiot, her love interest/bodyguard, Jack, thinks so too.
Speaking of Jack, the chemistry between the two of them is HOT. He is risking a lot, personally and professionally, by taking a chance on acting on his feelings. You can tell he cares about her. The one complaint I have about him is I'm not a trained bodyguard and as soon as the antagonist of the book came on the scene I already knew who they were and why they did it. Why couldn't Jack figure this out? Maybe his lust was blocking his skills.
The story ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, though the plot of this story was wrapped up very nicely. I really look forward to reading the sequel and other works from Rachel Curtis.
Overall: 4
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Release Blitz: The Boyfriend List by R.S. Novelle
Publication date: February 10th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Romance
The Boyfriend List follows twenty-year-old Reagan in her quest for the perfect relationship after a somewhat tragic spring break breakup leaves her disillusioned about love… again.
Reagan had always prided herself on making levelheaded, practical, analytical decisions about everything. Everything, that is, except where guys are concerned. Which was proven to her, once again, when her “boyfriend” opts to take another girl on their oh-so-romantic trip to his lake house. In order to prevent future heartbreak, she creates a checklist of all the qualities she wants in a man, and vows not to give her heart away again until she can determine if they fit every last criteria.
After scouring campus with her two best friends in her tricky journey, her detective work returns a pile of unworthy rejects, and it seems as though her choices are narrowed down to only two options: the hot stranger who’s inspired her new project, and her best guy friend Ian, who she’s always kept at bay due to his perceived playboy reputation.
Reagan gets more than she bargained for with her new set of rules, however, and is surprised to find that love, and the perfect boyfriend, may have been within reach the entire time. But will Ian’s reputation ruin his chances to prove his worth? And can Reagan let go of her insecurities long enough to even give him a chance?
The Boyfriend List is a light, New Adult romance about friendship, trust, and learning to let go in order to embrace what real love can offer.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20639389-the-boyfriend-list?ac=1
--Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Boyfriend-List-Book-ebook/dp/B00I8N3NO6/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=8-2&qid=1394815402
--B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-boyfriend-list-renee-novelle/1118356382?ean=9781495346866
--Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401976
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Renee’ Novelle is Preceded by a long line of published family members, including Pulitzer Prize nominated author and Poet Laureate of Kentucky Jesse Stuart.
As a child, Novelle was already gaining recognition for several of her works, and in her formative years, she continued this trend by earning local awards for her short stories and poems.
Inspired to cultivate her talent, Novelle pursued freelance journalism and has found placement of 75 of her pieces in both online and print publications since 2008. Additionally, she has written multiple screenplays, and contributed her savvy, effective writing style to many non-profit and for profit organizations. She launched several blogs over the years, which garnered international attention.
In 2013, Novelle returned to her first love – fiction. She writes psychological and paranormal thrillers, as well as contemporary fiction and new adult fiction. For a complete schedule of upcoming releases, please visit www.RSNovelle.com
Though she received her Bachelor’s of Science in Communication, Summa Cum Laude, she considers herself a constant student of the written word. She’s an avid reader, an enthusiastic quote poster, and rarely takes “no” as a final answer. She has an unhealthy obsession for theater, dance, music and art, and strongly believes that wine is simultaneously the beginning of, and resolution to, all of life’s problems. She believes in following dreams, and that in the end, you always end up where you're meant to be.
Author links:
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Cover Reveal and Giveaway: Dearest Clementine by Lex Martin
TITLE: Dearest Clementine
AUTHOR: Lex Martin
RELEASE DATE: April 18, 2014
GENRE: NA contemporary romance
Twenty-year-old Clementine Avery doesn't mind being called bitchy and closed off. It's safe, and after being burned by her high school sweetheart and stalked by a professor her freshman year of college, safe sounds pretty damn good.
Her number one rule for survival? No dating. That is until she accidentally signs up for a romance writing class and needs material for her latest assignment. Sexy RA Gavin Murphy is more than happy to play the part of book boyfriend to help Clem find some inspiration, even if that means making out...in the name of research, of course.
As Gavin and Clem grow closer, they get entangled in the mystery surrounding a missing Boston University student, and Clem unwittingly becomes a possible target. Gavin tries to show Clem she can handle falling in love again, but she knows she has to be careful because her heart’s at stake…and maybe even her life.
DEAREST CLEMENTINE is a stand-alone novel with two companion novels. This New Adult contemporary romance series is recommended for readers 18+ due to mature content. Look for the second book, DEAREST DANDELION, this June.
The laundry room is dark when we walk in, so Gavin flips on the lights. A row of washers and dryers line both sides of the small room. He opens up a washer and dumps in his basket of clothes.
"Gavin, why are you washing clean laundry?" I can’t help the laugh that escapes.
He drops in a few quarters and starts the machine before he turns to me, grinning.
“I’m helping you get in the zone. Come here.” He wraps his hands around my waist, and I let out a surprised squeak when he lifts me up onto a washer. I can't believe he just picked me up. Okay, that's a stupid thought to have. He did carry me home two weeks ago.
His grip is firm on either side of me as he leans down to look into my eyes. I lean back slightly. He’s so far in my personal space that my shadow is crowded.
“Clementine, I want to warn you.” His voice is husky and deep. “I’m going to kiss you, and you’re going to like it. A lot. But I want to be clear that I’m not going to sleep with you because I want you to respect me in the morning.” His mouth lifts up in a wry smile. “This is simply one friend helping out another. Okay?”
Wait. Is he serious?
He must sense my apprehension because he rubs his thumb softly across my cheek. “It’s just an exercise, to get you into your story. I promise.”
I laugh, embarrassed, intrigued, and a whole lot turned on by the idea. He smiles again, but this time it’s different. His eyes darken as his hands glide over my hips. My breath catches in my chest.
“Gavin, I don’t think—“
He rests a finger over my lips.
“I’m doing this in the name of academics. You need inspiration? You're looking at it. Now shut up and let me kiss you.”
READ THE REST OF THE EXCERPT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20630265-dearest-clementine
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Lex Martin writes new adult novels, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. When she's not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, this native Texan has lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of Angels with her husband and twin daughters.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20630265-dearest-clementine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lex-Martin-Author/245957815565870?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexlaughs
Blog: www.lexmartinwrites.com
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
New Adult Month Interview: Carrie Butler
encompasses the transition between adolescence and true adulthood. Protagonists
generally fall between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six—though exceptions
may apply—and they’re often portrayed experiencing: college, living away from
home for the first time, military deployment, apprenticeships, a first steady
job, a first serious relationship, etc.
New Adult: Genre or Category? I view it as a category of
literature—meaning, it gives readers content expectations, but it doesn’t
dictate genre-based criteria.
other words, when I pick up an NA novel, I know what stage of life the main
character is in. If I want to know more, I look to the genre, i.e. romance will
have a centralized love story, science fiction will have imaginative (though
scientifically plausible) elements, etc.
What made you want to write for NA? I’ve been writing NA-type stories since 2007. (I say NA-type, because “New Adult” wasn’t
coined by St. Martin’s until 2009.) Back then, I didn’t realize there was
such a stigma against college-aged characters in the publishing world. I just
wanted to write a story that straddled the line between newfound freedom and
consequence. The possibilities seemed endless.
4. What do
you see for the future of NA? I
definitely foresee more genre diversity, especially with speculative works.
5. What do
you love most about writing NA? Right
now, the NA community is my favorite part—especially those of us who’ve been
fighting to legitimize the category for years. We’re such a tight knit, yet
welcoming group. It’s great having that kind of support.
6. What NA
books would you recommend to readers? I
still consider Easy by Tammara Webber
a pretty iconic NA read, as far as contemporary goes. On the spec. side, you
might consider reading Lynn Rush’s Violet
Midnight series.
What writing tips would you give to aspiring writers? Don’t stop—and what I mean by that is don’t stop writing;
don’t stop reading; don’t stop learning; don’t stop questioning; don’t stop
trying; don’t stop pushing; don’t stop growing; don’t stop sharing; don’t stop
dreaming; and hey, if you’re in a singing mood, don’t stop believin’. ;)
Would you like to share something about your book? Sure! Here’s a little about my NA paranormal romance, STRENGTH
(Mark of Nexus #1):
“When college student Rena Collins finds herself nose-to-chest with the campus outcast, she’s stunned. Wallace Blake is everything she’s ever wanted in a man—except he can’t touch her. His uncontrollable strength, a so-called gift from his bloodline, makes every interaction dangerous. And with a secret, supernatural war brewing among his kind, there’s no time to work it out. To keep Wallace in her life, Rena will have to risk a whole lot more than her heart.”
“When college student Rena Collins finds herself nose-to-chest with the campus outcast, she’s stunned. Wallace Blake is everything she’s ever wanted in a man—except he can’t touch her. His uncontrollable strength, a so-called gift from his bloodline, makes every interaction dangerous. And with a secret, supernatural war brewing among his kind, there’s no time to work it out. To keep Wallace in her life, Rena will have to risk a whole lot more than her heart.”
What gave you the idea for your book? STRENGTH—and
ultimately, the whole Mark of Nexus series—started as a "what if"
scenario. What if a unique, supernatural race lived among us? What if there
was more than one? How would the world stay in balance?
I listened to music while I plotted out a few points, and the 2005 Five for Five cover of "All I Know" came on. Wow. The lyrics—especially the first few lines about bruising each other—really struck me. As I considered them, the figurative meaning morphed into a more literal scenario. How tortured a man with uncontrollable strength must be... falling in love for the first time... unable to touch the woman he loves without hurting her...
That's how the romance element fell into place. ;)
I listened to music while I plotted out a few points, and the 2005 Five for Five cover of "All I Know" came on. Wow. The lyrics—especially the first few lines about bruising each other—really struck me. As I considered them, the figurative meaning morphed into a more literal scenario. How tortured a man with uncontrollable strength must be... falling in love for the first time... unable to touch the woman he loves without hurting her...
That's how the romance element fell into place. ;)
10. Where can
readers find your books? Ta da!
of Nexus #1)
Edition E-Book:
Edition Paperback:
COURAGE (Mark of
Nexus #2)
Edition E-book:
Edition Paperback:
Friday, March 14, 2014
New Adult Month Guest Post: Welcome to the Real World by E.J. Fechenda
What I find so appealing about writing New Adult is that the
characters are out of the high school bubble and they’re getting a taste of
real life experiences for the first time. On one side, this is liberating and
exciting: curfews don’t exist, rules about boyfriends or girlfriends spending
the night don’t apply and experimenting with substances doesn’t result in being
grounded. On the other side: realization sets in that everything costs money, a
minimum wage paycheck doesn’t stretch very far and
sometimes parental supervision is a good thing, especially when someone doesn’t
manage themself well.
In my debut novel, “The Beautiful People - Book One of The
New Mafia Trilogy”, the main character, Natalie Ross, struggles with making
ends meet while putting herself through college. She also struggles with
self-esteem issues, which she tends to mask by using alcohol and occasionally
For Natalie, alcohol helps her to become less inhibited and
she relies on this when surrounded by people she considers more attractive than
herself. Here in lies the slippery slope that many college-age adults find
themselves on: increased access to booze and drugs, using these as a mask to
conceal insecurities or cope with harsher realities and ultimately opening the
door to a slew of issues if not properly managed.
This isn’t a new phenomenon. Shows like MTV’s “Real World”
feature college students getting hammered night after night and making poor
decisions. Women especially make themselves more vulnerable when under the
influence. In Natalie’s situation, the party lifestyle is expected and being
surrounded by enablers makes it harder for her to right herself when she starts
to list like the Titanic. After a brutal assault, Natalie uses alcohol as her
coping mechanism, essentially trying to use a band aid to staunch an arterial
Why did I incorporate substance abuse into “The Beautiful
People”? A lot of it has to do with the adage: write what you know. While
Natalie is a fictitious character, there are bits and pieces of me in her. At
one point in my life, I was the insecure college student who hid behind a veil
of alcohol, thinking it was the only way to get any play. In hindsight, I
realize how self-destructive this behavior was, but also how easy it was to
succumb to. Along with this behavior came poor decision making and, at the
time, regrets.
But, it’s more than just what I know and I wasn’t alone in
my experience. Alcohol abuse and the behaviors that go with it are legitimate
issues the New Adult age bracket faces. According to statistics on the National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s website,
approximately 4 out of 5 college students consume alcohol and about half of these
college students who drink, are known to binge drink. Additionally, over 97,000
students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual
assault or date rape.
It’s important to write with the audience in mind. In order
for a story to be engaging, the characters need to deal with the same issues so
readers can identify with them. Sometimes the characters overcome their
problems and emerge on the other side stronger and healthier and sometimes they
aren’t as successful. A lot of personal discovery happens after high school and
it’s really fun to explore this period through writing New Adult fiction.
E.J. Fechenda has lived in Philadelphia, Phoenix and now
calls Portland, Maine home where she is a wife, stepmom, and pet parent - all
while working full time. Crazy is how she likes it.
She has a degree in Journalism from Temple University and her short stories have been published in Suspense Magazine, the 2010 and 2011 Aspiring Writers Anthologies, and in the Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology. E.J. is the author of The Beautiful People (Book One of The New Mafia Trilogy), a number one bestseller for Women’s Crime Fiction on Amazon. She is currently working on the second book for this trilogy as well as another Trilogy.
E.J. is a member of the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance and co-founder of the fiction reading series, “Lit: Readings & Libations”, which is held quarterly in Portland.
She has a degree in Journalism from Temple University and her short stories have been published in Suspense Magazine, the 2010 and 2011 Aspiring Writers Anthologies, and in the Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology. E.J. is the author of The Beautiful People (Book One of The New Mafia Trilogy), a number one bestseller for Women’s Crime Fiction on Amazon. She is currently working on the second book for this trilogy as well as another Trilogy.
E.J. is a member of the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance and co-founder of the fiction reading series, “Lit: Readings & Libations”, which is held quarterly in Portland.
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00BFS3JW2
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Fighting for Love Book Blitz
Fighting for Love by L.P. Dover
(Second Chances #4)
Publication date: March 9th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Fighting for someone’s heart is more challenging than fighting for a title.
For a time, many years ago, love had grown, love was made, and in the end … love was lost. The decision to leave had been the worst mistake Shelby Dawson could have ever made. However, at the time—ten years ago—she felt her secret needed to stay hidden, even if it broke her heart and the heart of the man she loved. Back then, he was all hers and she was all his, but now things have changed and he isn’t the same guy she knew.
He happens to be the well-known MMA Heavyweight champion and famous bad boy, Matt ‘The Destroyer’ Reynolds, who once before struggled to help his family pay the bills. Now, he has money flowing with each undefeated win and an insurmountable number of women filling his bed. Everything is perfect for the illustrious fighter, until one day it all changes. In walks the girl from his past, the same girl who promised to stick by him but left and never looked back.
Their second chance to make things right will not come easy, for when one mistake is made an unwelcome consequence soon follows. Someone out there wants to rip them apart and they won’t stop until Matt and Shelby pay the ultimate price … their love.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20317145-fighting-for-love?ac=1
a Rafflecopter giveaway
USA Today Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is a southern belle residing in North Carolina along with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she even began her literary journey she worked in Periodontics enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.
Not only does she love to write, but she loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes, white water rafting, and you can't forget the passion for singing. Her two number one fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime and those songs usually consist of Christmas carols.
Aside from being a wife and mother, L.P. Dover has written over nine novels including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, and her standalone novel, Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read is romantic suspense and she also loves writing it. However, if she had to choose a setting to live in it would have to be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.
L.P. Dover is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency.
Where you can find L.P. Dover
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/lpdover
Website- http://www.authorlpdoverbooks.com/
Blog - http://www.lpdover.blogspot.com/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/LPDover
Goodreads- http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6526309.L_P_Dover
Amazon- http://www.amazon.com/L.P.-Dover/e/B00AFVV8TG/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1380503353&sr=8-2-ent
Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/LPDover/
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
New Adult Month Guest Post and Giveaway: Epic Guys by Lark O'Neal
You know those quizzes you take about what kind of landscape you are? Beaches, deserts, rivers, mountains? I am always mountains. I was born at the foot of Pikes Peak, and grew up with it watching over me my whole life. Our trips away from the city were always up—up to the coolness of summer streams, up to the fun of enormous piles of winter snow, snow so deep it’s blue. I love hiking and cross country skiing and snowshoeing and kayaking, all those mountain-connected sports.
I also love snowboarding. Not me actually doing it, but watching it. Reading about it, watching movies about boarders and their quests for glory. Love watching the boards send up a spray of powder and seeing somebody whirl in the air, all power and daring and extreme athleticism. (Are you watching the Olympics??)
So no big surprise when haunted, beautiful snowboarder Tyler Smith wandered into my imagination one morning last spring. Actually, it was Jess Donovan who punched my shoulder (at five am! On a vacation weekend!) and said, “Get up. I’ve got a story to tell you.” I tried to go back to sleep—we were in Breckenridge for a long restful weekend and I’d had a bit of wine the night before. Also, it was the first of June and snowing. Who wouldn’t want to stay in bed?—but she wouldn’t let me.
She flashed a picture of Tyler at me, tapped her foot while I made a mug of tea, and flung open the curtains overlooking the slopes. Dawn was breaking, pink and soft. I sat down and started writing. By the time my husband woke up, I had an entire series of books outlined. By lunch time, I had 67 scenes in a row for the first book.
In the writing world, we call this a gift. I am no idiot. I accepted it.
Jess Donovan is a girl who has to make her way in a pretty hostile world, and she just can’t catch a break. There are secrets in her past that she’s just beginning to understand are secrets, and she needs to find her father to get to the bottom of them. I love her pluckiness and her determination—and I can so relate to her fear that everything is going to come crashing down on her head at any second.
When Tyler walks into her life—sexy and troubled and lost and intensely, overwhelmingly attracted to her—I knew he’d be both catalyst and trouble, hero and villain. He’s born out of those snowboarders I love so much, their exuberance and their fierce competitiveness, their love of the mountains and the snow and the outdoors. He’s like nothing Jess has ever known, wealthy and well tended, like a prince wandering into her diner. How can she trust him to be anything but a short-term fling?
Random is the first book in the Going the Distance series, and starts the story of Jess and Tyler. Coming the end of February is Stoked, a novella from Tyler’s point of view. He loves her, and he’s got some issues. She loves him, but she has to find out who she is. The next full-length story is Epic, coming in May. I hope you’ll follow along.
One note: people love or hate a series. I really like them a lot. It’s like having a good TV show to watch, looking forward to what might happen next, how things might work out, or fall apart (and there is plenty of both in Going the Distance!). It gives me plenty of room to develop a big story. I hope you’ll trust me to do it right.
I also love snowboarding. Not me actually doing it, but watching it. Reading about it, watching movies about boarders and their quests for glory. Love watching the boards send up a spray of powder and seeing somebody whirl in the air, all power and daring and extreme athleticism. (Are you watching the Olympics??)
So no big surprise when haunted, beautiful snowboarder Tyler Smith wandered into my imagination one morning last spring. Actually, it was Jess Donovan who punched my shoulder (at five am! On a vacation weekend!) and said, “Get up. I’ve got a story to tell you.” I tried to go back to sleep—we were in Breckenridge for a long restful weekend and I’d had a bit of wine the night before. Also, it was the first of June and snowing. Who wouldn’t want to stay in bed?—but she wouldn’t let me.
She flashed a picture of Tyler at me, tapped her foot while I made a mug of tea, and flung open the curtains overlooking the slopes. Dawn was breaking, pink and soft. I sat down and started writing. By the time my husband woke up, I had an entire series of books outlined. By lunch time, I had 67 scenes in a row for the first book.
In the writing world, we call this a gift. I am no idiot. I accepted it.
Jess Donovan is a girl who has to make her way in a pretty hostile world, and she just can’t catch a break. There are secrets in her past that she’s just beginning to understand are secrets, and she needs to find her father to get to the bottom of them. I love her pluckiness and her determination—and I can so relate to her fear that everything is going to come crashing down on her head at any second.
When Tyler walks into her life—sexy and troubled and lost and intensely, overwhelmingly attracted to her—I knew he’d be both catalyst and trouble, hero and villain. He’s born out of those snowboarders I love so much, their exuberance and their fierce competitiveness, their love of the mountains and the snow and the outdoors. He’s like nothing Jess has ever known, wealthy and well tended, like a prince wandering into her diner. How can she trust him to be anything but a short-term fling?
One note: people love or hate a series. I really like them a lot. It’s like having a good TV show to watch, looking forward to what might happen next, how things might work out, or fall apart (and there is plenty of both in Going the Distance!). It gives me plenty of room to develop a big story. I hope you’ll trust me to do it right.
What are you: mountain, beach, desert, river? Or a combination?
I love to hear from readers! Follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/larkonealauthor and on Twitter @larkoneal.
I’m giving away three copies of Random (e-book or paper copy available, and I will ship abroad) to random (haha) people who comment on this post.
I love to hear from readers! Follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/larkonealauthor and on Twitter @larkoneal.
I’m giving away three copies of Random (e-book or paper copy available, and I will ship abroad) to random (haha) people who comment on this post.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Cover Reveal and Giveaway: No One's Angel & No One's Hero
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Synopsis book 1:
Tess used to spend more hours than she’d care to admit playing her favorite computer game, using the nickname Angel. She could pretend her life was different, and she could pretend Arion was just a friend. But a girl needs more to keep her warm at night than pixels, and she traded her virtual heaven for a real-life hell. Now she’s on the run from a past she won’t talk about, and the only place she has to go is the doorstep of the friend she’s never actually met.
When Angel disappeared from their nightly games, it nearly destroyed Arion. He threw himself into work and women, but he can’t help knowing the one-night stands will never compare to the angel who haunts his dreams. At first, when she shows up soaking wet and scared-shitless on his doorstep, he thinks his prayers have been answered.
But the more Arion tries to keep Angel close, the more her fear drives her away. If they are ever going to have a chance for a future, they’ll first have to deal with the past that hasn’t forgotten her any more than she’s forgotten it–and Arion will have to learn how to let her go.
Synopsis book 2:
Tired of living for the one who died, Lexi Feron is ready to throw caution to the wind. For eighteen years she’s been careful not to upset her fragile family, all the while knowing she’ll only ever be half of enough. Now, she’s done with careful. College is her chance to escape, to be free. To love. To live.
Someone wants her to die.
Kevin Morrison is haunted by the one he didn’t save. The one he wasn’t supposed to love. The mistake he can never take back, but is determined never to make again. A cushy job guarding a college freshman is exactly what he needs to get his confidence back. He’s just got to keep her safe until the drug dealer out for revenge goes on trial, then he can move on and forget all about her.
She has other plans.
No matter how much Lexi insists she doesn’t need a bodyguard, especially not one as mercurial as Kevin, she might be exactly what he needs. Because despite his best efforts, the spunky girl with a smart mouth and reckless streak awakens something in his heart that he thought was lost. But what if the real danger to Lexi, is Lexi?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Kelly Walker is a YA and NA author of several romantic titles, including the Souls of the Stones series. She has an unhealthy appreciation for chocolate, and a soft spot for rescued animals. Her best lessons on writing came from a lifetime of reading. She loves the fantastical, and the magical, and believes a captivating romance can be the most realistic magic of all. Kelly, her husband and her two children share their Virginia home with three dogs who walk her, and two cats who permit her to occasionally share their couch.
Author links:
Friday, March 7, 2014
New Adult Month Review: Collaboration
Title: Collaboration
Author: Michelle Lynn and Nevaeh Lee
Publisher: Self-Published
Pages: 254
Source: Author
Where to buy: Amazon
This is not your typical rock star romance. For one, the “rock star” is a rapper. And not just any rapper. Trace is the hottest ticket in the music industry right now, regardless of which definition of ‘hot’ you choose.
Taryn Starr is not the girl-next-door who unknowingly meets a celebrity. Known as “America’s Sweetheart,” the reigning country music princess and world-renowned superstar knows exactly who Trace is…or does she?
Their worlds collide when the musicians whose paths were never destined to cross are forced by their joint record label to collaborate on a song. The sparks fly and ignite a fire that blazes hotter with every minute they spend together—for better or worse. One thing’s for certain, the two media magnets can’t deny their explosive chemistry, but will life in the spotlight ultimately bring Trace and Taryn together or force them apart?
What I think:
Oh my gosh. This book is amazing. I have to say this is one of my favorite New Adult books that I have read so far (and I have read a lot). It surprises me that a joint writing effort can be so seamless and cohesive. I really can't think of any complaints other than the sadness I felt when I finished reading it.
Trace and Taryn are just as antagonistic in the beginning as you would expect. Come on, who expects a sweet country singer and a gangster rapper to get along? But of course we know they will eventually overcome their differences, the question is just how. And boy was the "how" not what I expected.
The characters were all fun and the situations their they get in keeps you on the edge of your feet to find out how it is resolved. I want to tell more about the best parts of the book, but I don't want to spoil anything.
I cannot recommend this book enough. It was fun and hot and leaves you wanting more. Now you go find this book while I go to read more of Michelle and Nevaeh's books.
Overall: 5/5
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
New Adult Month Interview: Ana Bastow
1. What is NA to you?
It's when the characters are starting to challenge themselves by making choices they didn't had to as children/teens. Is having to face the consequences of ones actions, usually for the first time in their lives.
2. New Adult: Genre or Category?
Category the genre is too young to have conventions and tropes just yet. Category is good enough for the moment. It also give us more freedom as writers and readers to experiment and create.
3. What made you want to write for NA?
It just happened. I didn't even knew about the genre until I did research in to where I should list it. My leading lady just happened to start telling me her story halfway through college.
4. What do you see for the future of NA?
I see only good things. People seem to be interesting in exploring this stage on everyone lives through fiction more everyday. I think we will have NA movies in no time!
5. What do you love most about writing NA?
The challenges and knowing that my characters can figure things out for the first time. A lot more room to make mistake and struggle without looking immature.
6. What writing tips would you give to aspiring writers?
I don't think I'm qualified to give advice. We all have our different demons to fight.
The best I could say is "Whatever you are struggling with now you are not alone many other writers dealt with the same issue. Many failed but many others conquered. Try your best to overcome it and count yourself among the ones that made it."
May the muses have mercy of our words.
7. Would you like to share something about your book?
It's a cozy college romance with nerdy protagonists. I think we are ready to see some STEM characters falling in love. My leading lady is an ambitious physics student. She wants to be the first one to out this discovery so she can win a Nobel prize. But along the way she discovers love, lies and her true self. Her life changes forever.
8. What gave you the idea for your book?
I actually write fairytales and I was toying with the idea of writing something in a contemporary setting. It started with a simple premise: “What if a scientist were to discover that magic is real and not only real, she is immune to it?”. I made some notes and drawings for a few months. But it was not until March, 23 2011 while I was visiting Spokane that I could start writing. I had a vision in the bridge while watching the water flowing: my leading couple was having their first dance and their first kiss. The story grew overnight from there until I had enough material for three books, maybe more. It was a magical experience.
9. Where can readers find your books?
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/hypothesis-the-hekapolis-trilogy-1
Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hypothesis-the-hekapolis-trilogy-1-ana-bastow/1117926537?ean=2940148860211
7. Would you like to share something about your book?
It's a cozy college romance with nerdy protagonists. I think we are ready to see some STEM characters falling in love. My leading lady is an ambitious physics student. She wants to be the first one to out this discovery so she can win a Nobel prize. But along the way she discovers love, lies and her true self. Her life changes forever.
8. What gave you the idea for your book?
I actually write fairytales and I was toying with the idea of writing something in a contemporary setting. It started with a simple premise: “What if a scientist were to discover that magic is real and not only real, she is immune to it?”. I made some notes and drawings for a few months. But it was not until March, 23 2011 while I was visiting Spokane that I could start writing. I had a vision in the bridge while watching the water flowing: my leading couple was having their first dance and their first kiss. The story grew overnight from there until I had enough material for three books, maybe more. It was a magical experience.
9. Where can readers find your books?
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/hypothesis-the-hekapolis-trilogy-1
Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hypothesis-the-hekapolis-trilogy-1-ana-bastow/1117926537?ean=2940148860211
Monday, March 3, 2014
Book Tour and Giveaway: Head Above Water by Amber Garza
How HEAD ABOVE WATER was born…
I’m often asked how I come up with the ideas for my stories, and I never quite know how to answer that. Stories and characters come to me a lot of different ways. Sometimes characters just pop into my head with personalities and pasts all intact. Then it’s just a matter of coming up with a plot that will work for that unique individual. Other times a show I’m watching or book I’m reading will spur on an idea. Or a life experience of mine will fuel a storyline. Oftentimes, though, it’s a combination of a lot of these things which form into one idea.
However, this book was different. I know the exact moment I came up with the storyline for this book. It was last summer and I had brought my kids to the gym. My daughter was swimming, my son was in the basketball court playing a basketball game, and I was laying out by the pool reading a book. I looked up from the pages to check on my daughter and my gaze landed on a teenage couple in the water. The guy was teaching the girl to swim. I was mesmerized. He was so kind and tender with her as he held her in the water. I found myself wondering about them. What was their story? Why didn’t she know how to swim? What was their relationship like?
And just like that HEAD ABOVE WATER took shape in my mind. I wanted to write a story about a love like that. About a boy who would teach his girlfriend to swim with encouragement and gentleness. The couple in the book looks nothing like the couple at the gym, and I never did find out their story, so any similarities would just be coincidences. But that couple definitely inspired me.
With the basics of the story in my mind I set out to come up with characters and Tag and Harper came very easily. Their back stories, secrets and tainted pasts took time. In fact, I didn’t learn of Tag’s until halfway through the rough draft, but that is typical for me.
The idea for this book has been brewing since last summer, and it’s amazing to finally see it come to life.
Sometimes all you need is someone to hold you up.Harper Elliott knows what it feels like to drown. To be unable to breath, to feel the crushing weight of your lungs collapsing while waves crash over your head and the surface is just out of reach. The ocean has stolen way too much from her and her family. Even though she lives just miles from the beach she rarely ever steps foot on it, and never goes in the water.
Until she meets Tag Williams, the sexy lifeguard with the funny name, kind smile, genuine eyes and smoking hot body. He makes Harper want to do more than just stick her toes in to test the waters. He makes her want to jump in with both feet.
But if she does, can she trust Tag to keep her head above water?
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20647237-head-above-water
Will be found here come release day:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=amber+garza+Head+Above+Water+&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aamber+garza+Head+Above+Water+
Amber Garza lives in California with her amazing husband and two hilarious children who provide her with enough material to keep her writing for years.Links:
Website: http://ambergarza.wordpress.com/Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5582891.Amber_Garza
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Amber-Garza-author/307389409285047
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Saturday, March 1, 2014
New Adult Month Interview and Giveaway: Selena Laurence
1. What is NA to you?
NA is fiction that centers on characters who are in their late teens to mid-twenties and experiencing a transition point in their lives. They are dealing with a particular set of issues that are directly related to their age. Things like higher education, career choices, military service, sexual development, forming lifelong relationships, etc.
2. New Adult: Genre or Category?
Genre, definitely. Although there has been a heavy influence from Contemporary Romance in these early years of NA, I don't think that's the whole picture.
3. What made you want to write for NA?
First of all I love to read them. Secondly, I love that place in your life. It was so hard when I was in it, but looking back you can see all the possibility and opportunity. It's fun.
4. What do you see for the future of NA?
I think we'll continue to see more variety in NA, things like fantasy NA, paranormal NA, historical NA. I think that while romance has been associated very strongly with NA, what's really happened is that we've developed a new type of Contemporary Romance that's edgier and younger than it used to be. Things like biker romance, rock star romance, all the tattooed guys and MMA fighters. Those have been tagged as NA, but really they are simply this new form of modern romance, and many of them don't even fit the profile for NA, but that's where the readership originated. In a sense I think that original kind of NA has evolved into this edgier modern romance and true NA will move off in the other direction of more variety and subgenres like I mentioned above.
5. What do you love most about writing NA?
I love the freedom of making it whatever you want it to be. Because of NA's strong ties to self publishing, it's been a place where you can sort of try anything as long as you can find a readership. That's a wonderful thing, especially for a romance writer like me, because in the past, romance has been a very confining genre for a lot of writers.
6. What NA books would you recommend to readers?
Wow, there's a lot, and I think I'm more likely to recommend writers than particular books. Not to be cliched, but anything by Colleen Hoover, anything by Cora Carmack. Also Nyrae Dawn, Jessica Sorenson, Tammara Webber, and for some newer (to NA) writers - Lisa Desrochers, Lisa Swallow, Beverley Kendall, and Viv Daniels.
7. What writing tips would you give to aspiring writers?
That's so tough, because honestly what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. But first and foremost: read. All the time. In the genre you want to write, but also in others. Read and read and read. Then write and write and write. Show your writing to people whose writing you respect, and go from there.
8. Would you like to share something about your book?
I have an NA romance series - the Hiding From Love Series. Three of the four books are out: Camouflaged, Hidden and Concealed. They're interrelated, but each one has it's own tied up ending, so no cliffhangers. The main characters are all friends/relatives, but it switches protagonists from book to book. The last of the series is slated to release in April and is called Buried. My brand new release is actually the first book in a new series (Lush), and qualifies as NA (heroine is 24, just out of grad school), but it's also a rock star romance, so it's appealing to a pretty broad readership, not just NA. Finally, I will be starting an all-new Upper YA/NA digital novella series - The Bittersweet Chronicles - this summer. I'm really excited about it. There's going to be a whole town in Alabama, with a high school, a college, sports teams, love affairs, drama, angst, a little comedy.
9. What gave you the idea for your book?
*Laughing* Since I just told you about ten or so of them that's sort of hard to say. It's tough to rein me in sometimes! Honestly though, I have no idea where I come up with the stuff I do. It just appears in my head and I go with it. I'm a pantser not a plotter, so it'll evolve and morph as I write, and it ends up how it ends up!
10. Where can readers find your books?
My books are on Amazon, BN, Kobo and iTunes. And you can always go to my website for more detailed information on all of them: www.selenalaurence.com
Comment below with your thoughts on New Adult and you may win an ebook copy of one of Selena's books!
NA is fiction that centers on characters who are in their late teens to mid-twenties and experiencing a transition point in their lives. They are dealing with a particular set of issues that are directly related to their age. Things like higher education, career choices, military service, sexual development, forming lifelong relationships, etc.
2. New Adult: Genre or Category?
Genre, definitely. Although there has been a heavy influence from Contemporary Romance in these early years of NA, I don't think that's the whole picture.
3. What made you want to write for NA?
First of all I love to read them. Secondly, I love that place in your life. It was so hard when I was in it, but looking back you can see all the possibility and opportunity. It's fun.
4. What do you see for the future of NA?
I think we'll continue to see more variety in NA, things like fantasy NA, paranormal NA, historical NA. I think that while romance has been associated very strongly with NA, what's really happened is that we've developed a new type of Contemporary Romance that's edgier and younger than it used to be. Things like biker romance, rock star romance, all the tattooed guys and MMA fighters. Those have been tagged as NA, but really they are simply this new form of modern romance, and many of them don't even fit the profile for NA, but that's where the readership originated. In a sense I think that original kind of NA has evolved into this edgier modern romance and true NA will move off in the other direction of more variety and subgenres like I mentioned above.
5. What do you love most about writing NA?
I love the freedom of making it whatever you want it to be. Because of NA's strong ties to self publishing, it's been a place where you can sort of try anything as long as you can find a readership. That's a wonderful thing, especially for a romance writer like me, because in the past, romance has been a very confining genre for a lot of writers.
6. What NA books would you recommend to readers?
Wow, there's a lot, and I think I'm more likely to recommend writers than particular books. Not to be cliched, but anything by Colleen Hoover, anything by Cora Carmack. Also Nyrae Dawn, Jessica Sorenson, Tammara Webber, and for some newer (to NA) writers - Lisa Desrochers, Lisa Swallow, Beverley Kendall, and Viv Daniels.
7. What writing tips would you give to aspiring writers?
That's so tough, because honestly what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. But first and foremost: read. All the time. In the genre you want to write, but also in others. Read and read and read. Then write and write and write. Show your writing to people whose writing you respect, and go from there.
8. Would you like to share something about your book?
I have an NA romance series - the Hiding From Love Series. Three of the four books are out: Camouflaged, Hidden and Concealed. They're interrelated, but each one has it's own tied up ending, so no cliffhangers. The main characters are all friends/relatives, but it switches protagonists from book to book. The last of the series is slated to release in April and is called Buried. My brand new release is actually the first book in a new series (Lush), and qualifies as NA (heroine is 24, just out of grad school), but it's also a rock star romance, so it's appealing to a pretty broad readership, not just NA. Finally, I will be starting an all-new Upper YA/NA digital novella series - The Bittersweet Chronicles - this summer. I'm really excited about it. There's going to be a whole town in Alabama, with a high school, a college, sports teams, love affairs, drama, angst, a little comedy.
9. What gave you the idea for your book?
*Laughing* Since I just told you about ten or so of them that's sort of hard to say. It's tough to rein me in sometimes! Honestly though, I have no idea where I come up with the stuff I do. It just appears in my head and I go with it. I'm a pantser not a plotter, so it'll evolve and morph as I write, and it ends up how it ends up!
10. Where can readers find your books?
My books are on Amazon, BN, Kobo and iTunes. And you can always go to my website for more detailed information on all of them: www.selenalaurence.com
Comment below with your thoughts on New Adult and you may win an ebook copy of one of Selena's books!
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