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Monday, April 8, 2013

G is for Genre

Last time I talked about the fantasy genre, today I want to talk about genres in general. Usually I just read and write romance and fantasy/sci-fi, but I have been reading contemporary novels more often. I also enjoy very specific biographies (mostly about the English, French, and Russian aristocracy, or Audrey Hepburn or John Lennon).

There are many different types of genres and sub-genres that are written and enjoyed by people. I can't imagine ever being constricted by just one genre forever.

What is your favorite genre? Do you prefer mixing different genres together?


  1. I love to laugh, so humor is my favorite, followed by travel (for writing) Those plus suspense, mystery or anything written by a friend (for reading).

    Thanks for checking out my AtoZ.
    Rhonda @Laugh-Quotes.com
    AtoZ #41

  2. Probably romance and thriller for me, I like a bit of escapism.

  3. Mine is pychological thrillers and mysteries.
