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Friday, May 10, 2013


By time you read this, I will be sitting bored out of my mind at my major's graduation ceremony. That's right, I am having my major college graduation today. Though, truth be told, I will not technically be done with school. The way my school works is spring and summer graduates both walk in May. So while I do walk across the stage today, I will not be done with school until August. Also, today is just for my major. My official graduation will be tomorrow afternoon, before I celebrate by going to see The Great Gatsby and have dinner with my family and my best friend.

This is really exciting, yet nerve wracking. Only three more classes before I am a college graduate. I am searching high and low for a job in editing, but nothing is panning out so far. There is an annoying catch-22 with finding a job: no one want to hire you without experience, and no one wants to give you experience. So this leads me to applying for jobs that the advert says I am not qualified for. I am hoping that someone will over look the fact that I don't have much experience and hire me.

Until then I will be working away at school and searching high and low for a job, while spending my evening writing away at my (not-so) Great American Novel and doing these blog posts.


  1. Hey, congrats! That's a huge accomplishment, and I hope you're going to celebrate with your favorite cheese. ;)

    1. Thanks lol. I wish I had more time to celebrate, but I still have these last few classes to finish by August.
